Pamela Slim: Build Ecosystems, Not Empires | Supernode Conference 2022

In her Supernode 2022 talk, award-winning author, speaker, and business coach Pamela Slim shared how the ability to build partnerships rather than empires is an important trait in any business leader. This is because:

Partnerships require the ability to listen deeply to both partners and internal stakeholders. Partnerships means fulfilling a long-term vision that requires patience and resilience in overcoming roadblocks. Partnerships includes developing out-of-the-box solutions, a skill that includes ingenuity.


  • 2:10 – Slim shares her knack for “predicting the future” (and the implications it has had for innovation and technology
  • 3:48 – “An open letter to CEOs across the corporate world”
  • 5:05 – How Slim predicted the 2021 “Great Resignation” all the way back in 2006
  • 6:00 – The problem with “building an empire”
  • 9:15 – Understanding the potential of partnerships
  • 10:45 – How partnerships skills can go above and beyond business
  • 12:00 – Partnership people are “naturally gifted at the kind of leadership that keep people at companies”
  • 15:00 – Ecosystems are the future of small businesses

About Pamela Slim:

Pamela Slim is an award-winner author, speaker, and business coach who works with small business owners ready to scale their businesses and IP. She is the author of Escape from Cubicle Nation (Penguin Portfolio, 2009), Body of Work (Penguin Portfolio, 2014), and The Widest Net (McGraw Hill, November 2021, winner of the Best Sales and Marketing Book of 2021 from Porchlight Books). Pamela and her husband Darryl co-founded the K’é Main Street Learning Lab in Mesa, Arizona, where they host scores of diverse community leaders and regular small business programming.

About Crossbeam:

Crossbeam is the world’s first and most powerful partner ecosystem platform trusted by more than 8,500 technology companies. We act as a data escrow service that finds overlapping accounts with your partners while keeping the rest of your data private and secure.