Alyshah Walji: It’s Time To Develop An Ecosystem Ideal Customer Profile | Supernode 2022
In his Supernode 2022 talk, Alyshah Walji, Senior Partnerships Manager at Alyce, shared that his team 4Xed their pipeline at his previous company Vidyard by developing an Ecosystem Ideal Customer Profile (EICP). This drives value for your sales and marketing teams and gets their buy-in while shifting away from a sales-based strategy to a solution-based strategy.
- 0:40 – You can maximize your partner data while also getting cross-functional teams on board with your partnerships
- 1:57 – Don’t be afraid to start simple and don’t shy away from starting manually if you need to
- 3:05 – The things to consider when choosing the right partner data for your strategy
- 3:45 – Developing an Ecosystem Ideal Customer Profile (EICP) is one of the best ways to quickly deliver value to your sales and marketing teams
- 4:35 – Why traditional Ideal Customer Profiles no longer work
- 7:10 – How EICPs can arm your sellers to become proactive rather than reactive
- 8:23 – How Vidyard 4Xed their pipeline using EICPs
- 11:04 – How to help your sellers help their champions
- 13:54 – Being proactive with partner data during the sales cycle means 25% faster deal cycles and 30% increase in close rates
- 16:37 – How to get customer success onboard
About Alyshah Walji:
Like a lot of partnership professionals, Alyshah started his career in enterprise sales. His venture into partnerships began when he realized how important tech integrations were to the success of his own sales cycles. Since his start in partnerships, he’s helped define and take his tech integration programs from competitive differentiators to scalable revenue channels. Today, he focuses his time on building a first-of-its-kind supply chain partnership, helping bring together the benefits of traditional supplier-merchant partnerships and SaaS integration partnerships.
About Crossbeam:
Crossbeam is the world’s first and most powerful partner ecosystem platform trusted by more than 8,500 technology companies. We act as a data escrow service that finds overlapping accounts with your partners while keeping the rest of your data private and secure.